comparative philosophy meaning in Chinese
- Metaphysica and xing ' ershangxue : reflections on daoxue from comparative philosophy
从比较哲学出发的道学沉思 - [ ames , roger . seeking harmony not sameness : comparative philosophy and east - west understanding . beijing : peking university press , 2002
余虹: 《中国文论与西方涛学》 .北京:三联书店, 1999年 - The philosophy programme offers rigorous training in philosophy in both the eastern and western traditions . students are equipped with necessary basic knowledge and analytical skills for advanced studies in philosophy of either tradition or in comparative philosophy
本课程旨在提供东、西哲学传统的基本认识,培养学生对哲学问题的分析能力,及奠定他们从事东、西哲学或比较哲学研究的基础。 - They either destroyed the sacred books of other peoples among whom they settled , or made them inaccessible to students of comparative philosophy , apparently believing that in this way they could stamp out all record of the pre - christian origin of their doctrines